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Dshop, 385/1, 1/1, ගාලු පාර, වැල්ලවත්ත, කොළඹ 06.
Creative design: L shape cabinet Eco-friendly Products Roll-up door for easy opening & closing For Greater Storage Space Light Weight & Portable Can Store Clothes hats & scarfs Fit Most Clothes & dresses Easy to Assemble & Disassemble High-Quality Connectors for long-term using Strong Metal Pipes Easy to Fold and Store when not in use
W x H x D: 88 cm x 173 cm x 45 cm (2 ft 10 in x 5 ft 8 in x 1 ft 5 in)
Primary Material: Fabric
Secondary Material: Metal, Plastic
DIY - Basic assembly to be done with simple tools by the customer, comes with instructions.
01 x Collapsible Wardrobe
Model Number
NDL-88L88 L-Shape Portable Wardrobe Closets Organizer Cloth Closet Shelves L-Shape Non-Woven Fabric Cover Space-Saving Clothes Organizer Perfect for Bedroom Corner (Pink)
Suitable For
Storage, Bedroom
Care Instructions
Clean With Soft Cloth
3.975 kg