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D Shop, 385/1, 1/1, Galle Road, Wellawatte, Colombo 06.
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Dshop, 385/1, 1/1, ගාලු පාර, වැල්ලවත්ත, කොළඹ 06.
-6" flexible hose that swivels 360 degrees
-Cuts cleaning time in half
-Stainless steel chrome finish
-Quickly connects to most standard faucets
-Easy installation! No Tools Required
-Product Features: 360 degrees rotation, Pull transfer switch diverted valve provides smooth two method spout water Fits most standard faucets, easy to use and install Open the faucet switch, pull transforms switch shower and cylindrical water.
-Adjustable: The faucet sprayer turns it or adjustable in whatever direction or angle you want. This flexible faucet sprayer is suitable for most kitchen sink faucet types Easy to clean and rinse: The faucet sprayer turns it or adjustable in whatever direction or angle you want.