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සාමාජිකයාහෝමාගම, වෙළඳ සේවාදින 9Design and Construction of Two Story 3 Br House
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සාමාජිකයාහෝමාගම, වෙළඳ සේවාරු 14,750,000දින 9Design and Construction of 3BR House
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සාමාජිකයාහෝමාගම, ගෘහ සේවාදින 10Tube Wells Service - Homagama
සාමාජිකයාහෝමාගම, වෙළඳ සේවාදින 10Railings
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සාමාජිකයාහෝමාගම, වෙළඳ සේවාරු 6,400,000දින 10Design and Construction of Two Story House 4 Br
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