රු 255,900
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ඔබේ මුදල් සුරක්ෂිතව තබා ඇත
ඔබේ මුදල් සුරක්ෂිතව තබා ඇත
අන්තර් ජාලය හරහා ඔබගේ ගෙවීම කරන්න
භාරදීම තහවුරු කරන්න
Sony PlayStation 5Pro (2024)
The PS5 Pro delivers an enhanced gaming experience with optimized console performance, supporting up to 120Hz displays for ultra-smooth, high-frame-rate gameplay. With 2TB of built-in SSD storage, you’ll have plenty of space to keep your favorite games ready to play. Enjoy next-level online connectivity with faster transfer speeds and reduced latency, thanks to enhanced wireless internet capabilities. Plus, the PS5 Pro is backwards compatible with over 8,500 PS4® titles, offering faster, smoother performance through its Game Boost feature.
Please be aware that pricing may change frequently depending on the market rate.
වෙළඳපල මිල අනුව මිල ගණන් දිනෙන් දින වෙනස් විය හැකි බව කරුණාවෙන් සලකන්න.
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