POS Billing Software Fixing Service POS Billing Software Fixing Service
We install/fix POS Cashier Billing system software according to your needs.ඔබගේ අවශ්යතාවය අනුව අප POS Cashier Billing system software Install / Fix කර දෙනු ලැබේ.
For Following Shops -For Following Shops -
Supermarket / Grocery Shop
Shoe shop
Restaurants & Hotel room booking places
Hardware & Spare parts shops
Stationary Items & Bookshops
Pastry shops
Customer details
Mobile phone shops
Spare parts shop
Medical Channel centers
Supplier Details
Credit Sales
User Authorization
And other reports
Card cash Check Payment
barcode system
Inventory management system
Stock Management
Unlimited Items Store
Sales Reports
POS software can be installed/fixed as online software or offline software POS software එක Online software එක හෝ Offline software එක ලෙසද Install /Fix කර ගත හැකිය.
👌 Since we are a government registration agency with 13 years of experience, you can get the service after fixing. 👌👌 අප වසර 13ක් පලපුරුදු රජයේ ලියාපදින්චි ආයතනයක් බෑවින් ඔබට Fix කිරීමෙන් පසු සේවාවද ලබාගත හෑකිය. 👌