Ph Meter TDS / EC /Salt Thermometer 5 in1 Watertester USA Technology
PH /TDS /EC /Salt (Salinity ) /Thermo meter 5in1 Digital Water Quality Tester Pen Tool
Multi-functional water quality test pen, which can measure ph pH, solubility, EC conductivity, salinity and temperature. (Sea salt/fresh water salt)
It is a waterproof water quality test pen with five functions. It has high performance, pen design and fast numerical value.
Sea salt: Sea water salinity is the ratio of total dissolved solids to the weight of sea salt in sea water, usually expressed in grams per kilogram of sea water. (Measuring range 10.1-200.0ppt)
Light salt: light water with a salt content of less than 0.5g/L (measuring range: 0.00-25.00% accuracy: 0.01-5.00% 5.10-25.00%)
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You can buy this item from Boralesgamuwa or Rathmalane .
* Digital House Company established on 2012 and more than 12 years of Experience
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-With Warranty
-Conductivity test range: 0 to10000uS/cm, 10.01-19.99ms, 20.1-400mS/CM
-Resolution: 1uS/cm; 0.1mS/CM
-Accuracy: ±2% of reading
-test range: 0 to 1000ppm, 1000ppm to 10000ppm, 10.1 to 200.0ppt
-Resolution: 1ppm; 0.1ppt
-Accuracy: ±2% of reading
-Salinity (Salinity) measuring range: 0.00 to 25.00%
-Resolution: 0.01%
-Accuracy: 0.01-5.00% (±0.1%), 5.10-25.00% (±1%)
-pH test range: 0.01-14.00pH
-Resolution: 0.01pH Accuracy: ±0.05pH
-Temperature compensation: Automatic temperature compensation (ATC)
-Working environment: 0 to 60.0°C (32.0-140°F); RH 100%
-factor: 0.4 to 1.0
-Temperature range: 0.1-60.0°C 32.0-140°F
-Temperature accuracy: ±0.5℃
-Temperature resolution: 0.1℃/℉
-Auto power off: 5 minutes 3x1.5LR44
-Display: Support backlight
-Waterproof rating: IP67
-Power consumption: 2.9 mA, power consumption at shutdown is 0.
-The accuracy within 150ppt is more accurate, the deviation above 160ppt is larger.
Package included:
-Water Quality Monitor