Industry tools and Machinery for sale in Polonnaruwa
Showing 1-16 of 16 adsWORLDEN Single Needle Walking Foot Heavy duty Lockstitch Machine
MEMBERColombo, Industry Tools & MachineryRs 187,000Concrete Mixer - Vanson
MEMBERColombo, Industry Tools & MachineryRs 685,000Ice Packeting Machine
Polonnaruwa, Industry Tools & MachineryRs 450,0001 dayGalaxy 6' Feet Digital Printing Machine
Polonnaruwa, Industry Tools & MachineryRs 950,0002 daysSinger Sewing Machine
Polonnaruwa, Industry Tools & MachineryRs 47,5006 daysකහ, ඉඟුරු, එළවලු පෙති කැපීමේ යන්ත්රය
MEMBERPolonnaruwa, Industry Tools & MachineryRs 65,0008 daysSUGON 3005PM Adjustable Digital DC Power Supply
Polonnaruwa, Industry Tools & MachineryRs 23,00011 daysCoconuts Husk Chip Machine
Polonnaruwa, Industry Tools & MachineryRs 200,00014 daysකුලු බඩු අබරන මැෂිම
Polonnaruwa, Industry Tools & MachineryRs 200,00022 daysතුණපහ කොටන මෝල
Polonnaruwa, Industry Tools & MachineryRs 51,00025 daysSlipper Machine
Polonnaruwa, Industry Tools & MachineryRs 210,00026 daysපෙලට් ආහාර සැකසීමේ යන්ත්රය ( Feed Pellet)
MEMBERPolonnaruwa, Industry Tools & MachineryRs 145,00933 daysChaff Cutter (Grass Chop)
MEMBERPolonnaruwa, Industry Tools & MachineryRs 65,00034 daysතණකොළ කැබලි කරන යන්ත්රය
MEMBERPolonnaruwa, Industry Tools & MachineryRs 100,00043 daysIce Creame Machine
Polonnaruwa, Industry Tools & MachineryRs 230,00046 daysDerect Ingecter Engine
Polonnaruwa, Industry Tools & MachineryRs 325,00049 daysZOJE Sewing Machine
Polonnaruwa, Industry Tools & MachineryRs 85,00052 daysව්කේට්මේ යන්ත්රය පොලිසරය සහ ගල්වැලිය මොටර්
Polonnaruwa, Industry Tools & MachineryRs 500,00056 days