Store Keeper|Assistant (Male|Female) - Kiribathgoda
🔴 Note- Please do not (Email CV)
Walking interviews on all 7 days between 11.00 am - 12.30 pm..
Kindly bring all related certificates and a copy of cv addressing the Post address – No 34B Kandy Road, Kiribathgoda (next to dominos pizza Kiribathgoda)
🔴 සටහන - කරුණාකර CV විද්යුත් තැපෑලෙන් එවීමෙන් වලකින්න. සියලුම දින 7 තුළ පෙ.ව 11 .00 සිට ප.ව. 12.30 දක්වා පෑමිනිය හැක. අදාළ සියලු සහතික සහ CV පිටපතක් කාරුණිකව රැගෙන පැමිනෙන්න..
🔴 කිරිබත්ගොඩට 10KM අවට පදිංචිය කරුවෙක් වීම විශේෂ සුදුසුකමක් වේ.
වයස අවුරුදු 20 – 30 අය ඇත්නම් විමසන්න.
Store Keeper & Assistant - (Male|Female)
• Having a good command in computer, computer parts and good literacy in computers are added advantages.
• Knowledge of the IT field is a special qualification.
• Must Be Able To Handle Works Independently And Responsible
• Active / Quick Learner
• Keeping the store tidy and clean.
• Perform operational duties in ordering, receiving, storing, inventory.
• Documentation of inventory, making report.
• Complete book keeping and material storage responsibility of stores.
• Stock check
• Goods reorder
• Updating bin cards and working on the stock system.
• Computer Parts Knowledge
• Age between 20 – 30 years (Male|Female)
• With 1 Years Experience
Other Benefits
• Salary - Rs.25,000 - Rs.35,000
(Salary Negotiable)
• After Training Period - Salary will be Rs.35,000 - Rs.70,000 increments will apply based on your performance...
• Sales Commission Payment
• Overtime Payments
• Annual Bonus
• If You Feel You Are The Right Individual For The Above Job Please Call For More Details. To Receive Phone Number Click On; Click To Apply
• Only Interested Candidates Who Are Willing To Work For Long Term With Career Growth Should Apply
• Special Allowances Can Be Provided If There Is Good Interest And Dedication In The Work
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📌 කොළඹ දෙස සිට පැමිණෙන විට කිරිබත්ගොඩ Color Light එක පසු කර මීටර් 30 ක් පමණ එනවිට දකුණු පස පිහිටි ShaTech Zone පස්මහල් ගොඩනැගිල්ල..
---------- ShaTech Zone ----------
Head Office - Kiribathgoda
Address - No 34B, Kandy Rd, Kiribathgoda

- Never share card details or OTPs, and always verify items in person before payment. ikman does not offer a delivery service. Stay vigilant!

Store Keeper|Assistant (Male|Female) - Kiribathgoda
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