In the bustling heart of Padukka, amidst the chaos of urban life, lies a hidden gem - a special piece of land reserved for those who yearn for tranquility and serenity. This enchanting sanctuary is enveloped by lush greenery and situated on high ground, offering an uninterrupted vista of the magnificent Colombo cityscape, with the Lotus Tower majestically gracing the horizon. The allure of this land extends beyond its breathtaking views, making it the perfect canvas for a range of ventures, from hotels and resorts to holiday homes, or simply a peaceful abode to escape the hectic pace of everyday life.
1 hour drive from colombo
2 min to Padukka town
Well developed land.
done retention wall.
done side drains and main drains.
Approved plans.
Suitable for hotel, holiday resort, boutique resort or Land sale company.