Easy access to 177 Kaduwela - Colombo Bus route, SLIIT Campus,170 / 190 Colombo - Athutugiriya / Godagama Bus routes, Malabe - Kottawa Bus route and 993 Malabe - Maharagama Bus routes. All your needs and wants can be reached within 5 minutes drive. Also close to Athurugiriya and Kothalawala Highway Interchanges, Pelawatta Town and Battaramulla too.
The Modern Brand New Upstairs House .......
* Fully Tiled
* Bricks Wall
* Large Living area
* Dining area
* Master Bedroom with Attached Bathroom
* Ground Floor with 2 Bedrooms
* Teak Doors and Windows
* Kitchen with Modern Pantry Cupboards
* 4 Burner Cooker
* Servant Bathroom
* Hot Water for Bathrooms
* Garden area
* Inside parking for 2 Vehicles
* Rooftop
* Overhead Water Tank
* Roller Shutter Remote Gate
* Wicket Gate
* Property fully Covered by a Parapet Wall
* Clear Documents
BERYL will provide you with personalized, trustworthy service at all times.
No Brokers Please...................