💯 වගකීම සහිතයි ව්ස්වාසනියයි
💯 පළපුරුදු සහිත කර්මේකයන්
* more than 25years experience *
c k ref engineers
we undertake all kind of inverter AC noninverter AC and washing machine repair service and installation .
All repairs perform by professional and experience tecnichans .
⚕️ AC gas leak repair and gas charge
⚕️ circuits board repair (washing machine ,inverter and non inverter ac circuits )
⚕️ water leak repair
⚕️ Noise repair
⚕️ AC service
* normal service
* chemical service
* full service
* indoor unit remove and service
⚕️ AC installation
⚕️ Brand new ac
we available brand new ac midea voltas panasonic haier
call more details