Hotel for Sale Trincomalee Beach Resort & Spa Reference C2292
Property Details
Name of the villa / Hotel - Trincomalee Beach Resort & Spa
Land extent - 317 perches
Total Sqft area - 90,000sq
Expected price - 5M USD (Neg)
Distance from main road - 100m
Total Number of Bed rooms - 47
Total Number of Bath rooms - 58
Anything to highlight in each room - Very closed sea view rooms in the town
Type of flooring - Tile
Age of hotel: 7Yrs
Star Category - 4 star
Pool size ( if applicable) - 36ft *100ft
Total sqft area of the building - 59,000sq
Parking - 45
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us before 8 P M .Just include the property I D so we can find your file quickly. we also prefer booking appoinments, so let us know if you're interested.